Dassen Island Yzerfontein

Dassen Island (early name Coney Island) lies 9 km off the coast, almost directly opposite the village of Yzerfontein. It is 55 km north of Cape Town, about halfway between Table Bay and Saldanha Bay.

With an area of 273 ha, it is the second largest of the offshore islands. It is generally flat and sandy, apart from patches of exposed bedrock, and some areas strewn with huge granite boulders.

Dassen Island is preferred breeding ground to the majority of African Penguins in the world.

Dassen Island is a Nature Reserve and not open to the public.

Click here for 2000 Treasure oil spill.

Animals on Dassen Island

Dassen Island has a lighthouse and many ships have been wrecked on the undwater formations that surround the island.

Jetty and sandy beach at House Bay

View from lighthouse

Some photos courtesy of Andrew Roos

Underwater footage around Dassen Island Courtesy of www.earth-touch.com

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